Dust and Flume Extraction Systems

Our Services

System Design, Scoping and Detailing

Equipment Specification and Selection

Ductwork System Balancing and System Commissioning

Supply, Installation and Audit Reporting

Dust and Fume Collection Systems

Camfil APC is a world leader in the design and manufacture of dust collectors, dust control systems and reverse pulse jet dust collection equipment. Camfil have developed their FARR Gold Series cartridge dust collectors to a degree that the emissions from their filter cartridges are less than any of their competitors. DMS are the Camfil Air Pollution Control representative for Queensland and Northern Territory and we can provide dust collectors and fume collectors into any application anywhere in Australia and beyond. 

DMS has the capability and experience to provide the engineering expertise to design and install dust and fume control systems, dust suppression solutions, dust extraction and dust collection systems, supply dust collectors, inclusive of bag houses, cartridge dust collectors for all aspects of air pollution control and air filtration so if you want to control the fugative dust in your plant or eliminate your fumes call DMS for a well engineered emission control system.

Some of the typical industries that we service are:

Years Established

Completed Projects


Dust Management Services design and manufacture a range of custom made baghouses to suit your requirements. Our baghouses can be constructed to suit your particular industry whether it be Mining or food processing and be fabricated from Mild Steel or any Stainless Steel as required for the application.

Our baghouses can be designed and built to include

  • Reverse Pulse jet Dust Collectors
  • Intermittent Shaker dust collectors
  • Reverse Air collectors

Below is a list of a few of the Industries that we can provide dust extraction systems and baghouses for:

  • Mining
  • Food and Beverage
  • Plastics
  • Powder coating
  • Fibreglass
  • Sand and Grot Blasting
  • Quarrying
  • Process Industries
  • Paper
  • Seed and Grain
  • Fertiliser
  • Mineral Processing
  • Laboratories
  • Metal Working
  • Welding
  • Laser Cutting
  • Plasma Cutting
  • Woodworking
  • Schools and Tafe Colleges
  • Agriculture

Baghouse Representative

Dust Management Services manufacture a range of baghouse reverse pulse jet and auto- shaker dust collectors for mining and industry. DMS provide a range of bag houses available from our licensors such as Fisher Klosterman Emtrol.

Our dust collectors are designed and constructed to suit each application and to meet the criteria and specifications as required by each individual client and each specific project. They can be constructed as one piece or in modular sections as required to suit the specific installation and transport requirements.

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Contact Us

4 + 7 =

6 Beardsley Street, Port Kennedy, WA 6172

1300 990 808

+61 8 9524 5169
